[22/09/2024]: Preloading: Server deployment, Cert issue, Software selection etcโฆ ;
[23/09/2024]: Project mainline launched;
[03/10/2024]: Home page ,themes, and framework powered by wordpress;
[15/10/2024]: Pending state for further planning;
[16/10/2024]: Building “Ghost blog CMS” for a branch;
[18/10/2024]: Ghost CMS basic framework is ready;
[21/10/2024]: Add dark mode to global;
[21/10/2024]: Set pending state to ghost cms;
[25/10/2024]: Quit Ghost CMS;
[30/10/2024]: Customize templates, temperately remove dark mode;
[06/11/2024]: About page complete, Appearance updated;
-> <NOW>: Writing a blog…